Hi, I'm a Korean go lover from Seoul. I'm currently studying Xuanxuan Qijing Problems.
ThorAvaTahr: Hi, welcome to SL (feel free to remove this welcome comment ;) )
shevious: Thank you, ThorAvaTahr.
unkx80: Welcome to Sensei's Library. With regards to your creation of solution pages to the Xuanxuan Qijing problems, I am rather curious about (i) what is your rank, and (ii) what is the source of your solutions, or you solved them all by yourself? =)
shevious: Thank you, unkx80.
(i) I've quit IGS as 2d 10 years ago. Now, I'm 9d at Netmarble in Korea, but weakest rate among 9d. Maybe amatuer 7d~8d in other Korean internet go site.
(ii) My paper source is Kim In's book and online I first solve the problems myself and then double check the solution before posting. My guessing is about 80% correct since I'm just an ordinary amateur. ;) So I'm trying to study each problem thoroughly with the sources. But I missed Kim In's comment of ko result in problem 22 as you correctly pointed out. Kim In and missed the famous Go Seigen's response in problem 41. So I ordered Go Seigen's book recently and I'll triple check soon.
unkx80: I see, thanks!
Herman: Hi Shevious, welcome to SL. If you're currently studying the Xuanxuan Qijing, you might also be interested in John Fairbairn's treatment of it, which gives a lot of background on the many versions that exists. It can be found at:
shevious: Thanks a lot%%% Acutally, I found the site after you pointed out the right answer for problem 41.
Here is another site with 161 problems and solutions:
f3etoiles Hi, I put this directly on your personal page, as I don't want it to be too public yet. A complete commented file showing the present state of my research on problem 35 of Xuanxuan Qijing is here : (you will find there all your variations, I hope, and you may be interested in my bestiary too :-), at , but this version is quite incomplete, and will be updated in september). Please feel free to comment (directly by email, perhaps : this is
shevious: Nice to meet you, f3etoiles. I've already visited your web site and it's really fantastic. :) I'll send you an e-mail to discuss the XuanxuanQijingProblem213/SolutionToVariation1.