atulab: if
at 5 then,
now, another question arises, what should black do ?
atulab: I feel like black should cut white into two groups as one lacks eye shape and the other one only has one and a half
here, white has to protect both the left and the right group
Can anyone find other interesting answers for black ?
shevious: To prevent White from falling in danger, White
first is a good choice.
Black cannot divide White and Black
stones are still dead.
blackman: Black wont necessarily connect
blackman: There is two option for w, 'a' or 'b'
blackman: After 9 black wins the capturing race
unkx80: It would be interesting to consider this variation, but I have not read it all out yet.
atulab: 15K approved ^^
I'm not sure that there isn't some tesuji at a though: black would then live in the right corner and kill white (eventually) in the left one (which looks better for him)
blackman: I think this goes like this
blackman: If black connects i think its a ko
shevious: I agree. White
makes Black possible to choose dangerous ko or giving up
I think White
is better.
blackman: Well this is just a few variation :)