3-5 point low approach, press

  Difficulty: Intermediate   Keywords: Joseki

The press of B1 aims to push White on the low side while creating a wall. After W2 and W4 takes some territory on the left side, Black can play in the vicinity of a to build up a framework or continue at b or c to start a pushing battle.

There are some variations possible here. Black can jump with B3[1]. White has an option of not jumping with W4 (see 3-5 point low approach, press, tenuki variations).

Instead of 2, white can play also at 3-4. Its move proposed by AI(i have never seen it played by pros before AI revolution).It probably needs ladder. Instead of 4, white can also play one line lower (keima). AI like it better than usual move in many cases.

Big wall  

Up to W4 in the previous diagram is a joseki. However, Black can also choose to continue to push at B1 to continue building the wall. When W6 makes a double hane, Black takes the opportunity to take profit at B7 and B9 in sente, using the weakness at a, which is why W10 cannot be played at b.

Instead of B5 in this diagram, black can play B5 at B7 to start a complicated fight; see below

Big wall  

The attachment at B1 is also sente, then Black ataris at B3 and extends at B5. Up to B9, Black has created a very big wall. A noteworthy difference from the previous joseki is that it is White's turn now.

Cutting through  

If White does not like to be kept on the third line, then W2 and W4 might want to cut through. See press for more discussions on this topic.


B1 and B3 here start a complicated fight. This is just one possible continuation; white could also play W4 at a or b instead.

Black can us his stones on the edge as sacrifice (starting with a). This is seen in games of Kato Masao and Cho Hunhyun.


After B7, white must live in the corner. W8 at a, followed by B9 at W10, starts a capturing race which black wins. (There are lots of variations to explore, with some good tesuji problems!)


(...and the fighting continues...)


Another joseki:

Joseki main line  

Black 11 is expected to extend, probably to the circled point.

There are some other choices for B7.

See also:

3-5 point low approach, press last edited by kmr on September 15, 2021 - 09:43
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