Ways to avoid the taisha
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The move is called taisha in Japanese, or large slant move. With
Black offers White an opportunity to cut, knowing that Black can cut White as well in return, leading to a complicated fight with many variations known as the taisha joseki. This page explores the options White has to avoid these complications and simplify the situation.
The main idea is to create a situation, where White can either cut Black without being cut itself or establish itself on the side. The three main options for White to achieve this are a (the most common play), b and c (the simple way). t leads to the taisha joseki but there is scope for simplification there too.
Diagonal attachment (a)
The follow up in the corner is large, either at a for White or b for Black. This joseki dates back to the 19th century (first played by Honinbo Shusaku against Honinbo Shuho, 1854-10-22), but it was not very popular during the 20th century. In the 21st century it is seen more often again, especially in China.
must not jump above
. See Question About Avoiding The Taisha.
With at
this position transposes to the 3-5 point low approach one-space low pincer, kosumi.
Underneath attachment (b)
Another time honoured move is the underneath attachment . Black has a major option to either draw back at a or hane at b. a defends the threatened cuts, but allows White to establish itself firmly on the upper side, b allows the cut leading to a fight. The underneath attachment allows Black to choose whether to calmly draw back or to start a fight by playing the hane.
This move was common in the mid-19th century (first played by Ito Showa against Honinbo Shuwa, 1851-03-29) and was played significantly less later on. A later proponent was Go Seigen who played it in several games during the 1930s.
This move transposes to a joseki after the 3-5 point low approach, press. While the press is usually played to build a framework, the initial offer of a taisha joseki may indicate that the outward influence is less efficient in this case.
aims at the cut of a,
has no choice but to defend, then
moves out and establishes a white group on the upper side. Later Black has a good follow-up at b. A white move at c is considered honte - and was usually played with colours reversed in no komi games.
The variation above where White plays a narabi with and Black responds with
has been played with or without a White pincer d.
Black's stone is now peeping a bamboo joint. White's technique in making Black's stone inefficient is seen in other josekis.
If blocks to build on the upper side,
cuts. This position may arise after the 3-5 point, 4-3 approach, one-space pincer, if White bumps against the pincer stone.
Avoid complications - connect on top
In this way Black gets a lot of territory, but White has beautiful thickness in sente. With Black has other options as well.
is also regularly seen in professional games.
Avoid complications - yield
...so he could play like this instead. ( is played at a, b, or even c if Black has large ko threats.) White
at d is called "cowardice" by Kogo's Joseki Dictionary.