Go World

    Keywords: Books & Publications


Go World was an English-language Go magazine from Kiseido which published 129 issues from May 1977 (after Go Review) through 2012, three to four times per year. Each issue, on average 64 pages, contained extended commentaries on top title matches, world go news, problem sets, and topical articles.

Go World is also available in digital form as Go World Archive, four DVDs of PDFs, from Kiseido Digital.

A comprehensive [ext] index is available of all Go World items. Full-text search is available through Go World Archive. GoBase.org provides a searchable [ext] online index, but is missing the final issues.

Publication was interrupted from Summer 1992 till Autumn 1993. Numerous title match games from this interruption can be found in Tournament Go 1992.


Go World last edited by hnishy on July 3, 2024 - 01:37
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