

Chinese 1: 手 shǒu
Chinese 2: 着 zhāo
Japanese: 手 te
Korean: 착수/着手 chaksu

The word move has different meanings in go:


  1. turn: "it's your move"
  2. a play, placing a stone on the board (Japanese: te 手); contrast pass
  3. action taken at one's move; either a board play or pass[1]
  4. the value of a move: "I lost one move (by playing a useless stone)"


  1. to play a stone
  2. to extend a group of stones in some direction, often into the center
The black group moves  

Here's an example for the latter meaning. The black group is "moving" into the center with B1, although its individual stones do not of course move from their position.

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Go players have many terms for different moves.

Some pointers



The contradiction in usage about whether a pass is a move or not reflects the differing status of a pass in different rule sets. The Ing rules, AGA rules, and New Zealand rules treat a pass as a move. The Chinese rules, Japanese rules, and Korean rules do not.

In rules theory parlance, the meaning is more specific. In this context, play is usually used to refer to a move played on the board, and is distinguished from the term "move" in that a move can also be a pass. This usage is not entirely consistent throughout the literature however, and sometimes the usage is reversed (whereby a play can be a pass, but a move refers only to a play on the board). On Sensei's Library, the first convention is generally followed on pages related to rules.

Move last edited by OscarBear on December 16, 2016 - 14:53
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