Stupid Moves

  Difficulty: Beginner   Keywords: Tactics

Table of contents Table of diagrams
Winning against the wrong group
White lives but loses two stones
Black kills if White misreads
Black makes ko
Vital point
Two stage ko
Better for Black
White dies
A very small endgame mistake
A wasted move
Small typical 5 ''kyu'' mistake
White 2?
Try the cut!
Continuing. 5 at 2.
No ko
On IGS a 9-stone handicap game
On IGS a 9-stone handicap game (continued)
Double-hane at edge.
A funny ko-threat
Black played tenuki

Have fun with some blunders here.

[1] Number 1

Winning against the wrong group  

A group with an eye wins a capturing race against a group without an eye but loses it against a group with two eyes. W2 was definitely a mistake here. White had some possibilities for ko too, but some persistence... -- HolIgor

White lives but loses two stones  

The problem here seems to be that White wants it all. Instead of trying to defend two stones, which are not directly relevant for the capturing race, White should just start reducing Black's liberties straight away. Black will capture the stones but arrive too late to save the corner.
White can of course choose to play the ko (after B5), but it is probably not favourable.

Black kills if White misreads  

Black can try this to kill White. If White misreads the position, playing W2 is suicidal. (White can resist with W6 at B3, but Black a, White b at 1 and Black c wins the semeai.)

But of course, White should not respond to B1 with W2, but play at B3 and make the group live. Black will then play a to make two eyes for the black group in gote. Similarly, if Black plays B1 at B3, White should respond at B1, and will win the capturing race. -- Morten Pahle (10k)

Black makes ko  

Black does not choose to live gently (i.e. thinking of winning the ko) and then throws in at B1 and B3 before playing B5. White is now behind in the fight with no internal ko threats. -- Dave Sigaty

Bill: This is a complex and difficult position, with different options for ko, seki, and independent life. Proper play depends upon the rest of the board, not only the ko threat situation, but the sizes of other plays. I think I know correct play when neither player has a ko threat and the other plays on the board are of moderate size.

Vital point  

B3 is the vital point, I believe.


Black makes a large ko.

Two stage ko  

Earlier, W2 threatens to make two eyes. B3 - B7 makes a two stage ko.

Better for Black  

B1 takes the vital point. W2 threatens to make a second eye with W3. Through B9 Black makes ko.

White dies  

Capturing with W2 is not so good. B3 throws in and kills.

[2] Number 2

A very small endgame mistake  

Strange thing but W2 happened in one of my games recently. I was so glad. The correct move is to capture at a. -- HolIgor

[3] Number 3

A wasted move  

This happens quite often with weaker players. Black decides to save the marked stone and plays B1. White continues with W2, so B1 becomes a totally wasted move. Correct moves are at a or B3 depending on the situation. Then Black has sente in this corner. -- HolIgor

[4] Number 4

Small typical 5 kyu mistake  

Amazing how often this happens at my level (5k* IGS). W2 is a mistake. After the correct answer at a B1 is in atari. It is small: but several small things like this and you've lost the game. -- HolIgor

[5] Number 5

White 2?  

What a silly move W2 is!

Try the cut!  

Much more fun!

Continuing. 5 at 2.  

Can White kill or is there a ko in the corner?

No ko  

Robert Pauli: I'd say there is no ko. W has no problems to capture.

[6] Number 6

On IGS a 9-stone handicap game  

Definitely I'm not Black! I just decided to test Black...

On IGS a 9-stone handicap game (continued)  

... and when I played W7, he said "Wow!". B2 and B4 are wrong moves, I guess you can figure out why yourself. :)

Black-2 at W5 solves this problem. As I see it, White cannot kill any stones here without help from Black. ---PokaMyoshu

[7] Number 7

Double-hane at edge.  

I've seen this happen often with beginners, and done it myself a couple of times too. White just played white+square, and Black went at B1. If white+circle were one point to the left, B1 would have been good. -- Bisqwit

[8] Number 8: Fool's Seki

A funny ko-threat  

Looking through some of my old games I've found this funny ko threat. HolIgor

[9] Number 9

Black played tenuki  

Robert Pauli: Since in symmetric positions best play "absolutely certainly" is in the center, and a and b doubtless are miai, I left the scene . . .

[10] Number 10: Nachtrabe’s blunder

[thumbnail diagram]

Four moves (after W1), three blunders.

Stupid Moves last edited by RobertPauli on January 7, 2019 - 14:56
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