4.1 KGS Hotkeys Wishlist
This page is dedicated to wishes and ideas around keyboard shortcuts in CGoban.
Please look on the KGS help page Shortcuts for Client and Editor! It is (not really) new: it has existed for long time as french version. So, some of these wishes are obsolete.
New (3/'11) is ctrl-f in the main window: you get a little window to enter the name of a user, for whom you want to see the info window.
We (KGS) still need someone to add the differences and other key names, when using CGoban in Linux or MacOSX.
If you are new to KGS:
If you just used KGS for the first time, these wishlist pages may be quite confusing to you. Your experience, however, is very valuable and you can help to improve KGS by adding it to KGS First Time User Experience.
Unsorted ideas and requests
Game Window: Hide Opponent's Avatar
- Tamsin: Sometimes the opponent's avatar is offensive or creepy. It would be great to have a better way of not having to look at it than having to hang a strip of paper over my screen.
Game window: Shortcut for "Pass"
- shaana?: Add a shortcut for passing during a game, perhaps a combination of Cmd/Ctrl + KEY to avoid an accidental pass. For example, Cmd/Ctrl + P.
Game window: shortcut "u", ask before send undo request
- (How old?): When one accidently presses letter "u", do not right away send an undo request, but display a confirmation window asking user if this is what he/she wanted to do. +++++
- + Doesn't go far enough though... see my comments on hotkeys.
Escape-key should make the focus jump to the input field
- Have focus go to the input field when you press the Escape key, in any window with an input field.+
- Maybe not the Escape-key, but I like the idea. That would prevent the trouble a lot of reviewers have, when they want to type comment and instead activate lots of hot-keys.
Possibility to play entirely by keyboard.
- On a more random note I recently found myself wishing it was possible to play entirely by keyboard.
- - Part of the reason for using the mouse is to reclaim some tiny semblance of the OTB feeling of placing a stone physically.
- Allow keyboard focus on game window so players can play using arrow keys + ENTER.
TAB key should switch the focus between "obvious" places
- As above, TAB key should allow focus to switch between "obvious" places+, which does not include up/down scroll buttons on scroll bars.
Observe game, review: problem with keyboard navigation
- Add keyboard shortcuts for as much as possible, but especially for moving through games. Back, Forward, Previous Variation and Next Variation would be most useful.
- Already there: left/right arrow for back/forward, ctrl + left/right arrow for previous/next comment or node and up/down for previous/next variation.
- Ekted: Doesn't work for me. I tried it with the focus on every possible window/control.
- Focus on one of the arrow buttons in the game window.
- Ekted: Geez why so specific? Why can't it work like accelerators in Windows: the keys works no matter where the focus is.
- wms: It isn't so specific. Actually, they work unless you have a text field focussed - then the text field "eats" the keystrokes. I think that this is the only way that things make sense, arrow keys have meaning when you are typing text so eating them seems right, but it can be annoying. And I don't want to switch to n/p/u/d and the hotkeys, then only Emacs users would be able to figure out what to do. I have considered trying to prevent the text fields from eating the keystrokes when the text field is empty, but that is tricky, I don't think that java doesn't provide explicit hooks to do this.
- WarrenLewis: How about if focus is anywhere in the board area? But, not in text fields. I think that is what ggo does.
- kouchi: There needs to be an easy way to transfer focus away from the text field. Being at the keyboard and then having to switch to mouse to change the focus is annoying. How about having alt+arrow both navigate the game, and also change focus to the arrow keys?
Support for MacOS X behavior: application menu, command-key shortcuts, etc.
- Benjamin Geiger: I'd like support for MacOS X behavior: application menu, command-key shortcuts, etc. I'm not sure whether this is feasible with Java, but it would be nice if it is. (If not, not a problem. Thanks anyway.)+
- Ansgar?: On MacOSX use Command+C/Command+V to copy/insert text instead of Ctrl+C. This is the common shortcut in all MacOSX programs. (Might also be a Java bug?)
- Also make Command+W close the current window (like pressing on the close button)
editable macros on F-keys
- caraoke?: editable macros on F-keys would be nice. There are stuff said in every single game and sometimes it's a pain to type the same thing again and again.
- MK These changes would have made my life a lot easier during the go congress. I was using cgoban extensively on my laptop, but i had no mouse, just the touchpad, which was bringing me to tears sometimes.
When CGoban works as sgf editor:
- ctrl-x
- cut
- ctrl-v
- paste
- shift-ctrl-arrow-up
- move a branch up (works like shift-up from the drop-down menu)
- shift-ctrl-arrow-down
- move a branch down
- ctrl-s
- save game
When CGoban works as client:
- ctrl-n
- open a new game; in this window:
- space
- many dialogs do not appear with a default action, for example, the "close" button in the "fan list" dialog is not automatically selected
In cloned games:
- ctrl-r
- re-synch the clone, i. e. jump to the node the original game currently is at, to move along with the original moves again
Rooms window: change tabs with keys
- Keys needed to change tabs in main (room) window and in simul window.
Chat: hyperlinks in chat
- Oryx: Often during discussion while watching a game in progress, beginners become confused by the wealth of Go terminology that become second nature as players gain experience. I suggest a hot-click feature, where you highlight a term or terms in the text of chat, click on it, and your browser (or a pop-up browser window of the client) opens to that term if it's found in any of several on-line Go sources (Client Options menu, choose your favorite) such as SL, or any other that people suggest. Multiple words can be concatenated together, with punctuation dropped, etc - that's simple. If the term isn't found, allow the destination to handle it - SL's "Do you want to create it?" page, or perhaps at another site, whatever their 404 page is.
Ctrl-W to close game window or tab in the rooms window; Ctrl-Q(uit) with warning
- wayward: Ctrl-W to close game window/room tab; Ctrl-Q to quit (only if it is possible to do a "soft quit", i.e. warn about any open games etc.) Also: CGoban 3 does not seem to honor the -nosplash option.
Shortcuts to open buddy list or games list, close chat section, ...
- I think there should be shortcuts for opening your buddy list, viewing your list of games, closing the chat section when watching a game, etc. lots of shortcuts.
Hotkeys only with modifier (DONE)
- KarlKnechtel: No hotkey should be a "bare" key without a modifier (ctrl or alt - don't count shift). It's too easy, otherwise, to activate an entirely arbitrary hotkey when you think you are typing into a chat bar. I have found myself suddenly confronted with demonstration games on 5x5 boards while trying to talk in the EGR. This is inexcusably bad UI IMHO.
Where oh where is the documentation? I do not, after many years, know a single keyboard shortcut for this client beyond cut/copy/paste (which don't even really count), and have never known any, for any version.
- RueLue: as far as I know, this was a problem with older versions of the client. Can you please tell, if you experienced this behaviour in an actual version of CGoban? (v.3.x ?). Shortcuts list: in the preface of this page is (now) a link to the KGS shortcuts page.
Games list: select game using only the keyboard
- bucko: Some means of selecting games using only the keyboard. Keyboard navigation in cgoban 3/2 is an absolute chore (many popups don't even focus their primary button, it's possible to activate controls which are completely uncontrollable like the chat window, typing text after clicking on the board fails to do what the user expects, ...), and always has been. I realise the game lists update often, but at least some means would be appreciated.
Chat: double clicking on a name in the users list places it in the chat entry box
- triking: In extended conversations in the EGR, it would be helpful to add the ability to double click the name of a user (in the directly above chat area) to place their name in the chat entry box. This would save me plenty of aggravation as I always make sure to type names out completely. In addition, allowing usernames to be right-clickable might be convenient. Plenty of options could be listed on the corresponding pop-up menu, but to save time I suppose the same options in the option box that comes up by right-clicking names in the right-hand panel (the one with all the usernames) could be used.