Large Avalanche Turn Outward Problem
Jonathan Cano: Here is a problem derived from a variation on the Large Avalanche joseki.
First I present the problem, then the variation on the joseki that gave rise to the problem.
Jonathan Cano: White made a mistake in the large avalanche joseki . White reinforces with , and then tries to fight it out on the top.
Jonathan Cano:I've looked at some variations that begin with Black a followed by Black b but I don't feel I could play Black here and be certain of killing one of the and groups ...
Andre Engels: After , if White plays at here, Black captures the top group. After Black 11, Black clearly has one liberty more.
If instead White plays hane at like here, Black seems to be capturing white stones somewhere, after which the group is dead as well.
White might try playing here to live, but even if it works, she needs to add a second stone almost immediately, and the white stones at the right seem to be heading for a fall.
Jonathan Cano: Thanks Andre!
The problem comes from the variation of the large avalanche in which Black plays below.
Jonathan Cano: the normal move for White here is a. In Dictionary of Basic Joseki Ishida Yoshio says at b is a mistake.
Jonathan Cano: Ishida says " seems vulgar but it avoids complications and guarantees a favorable result. For his part White has no choice but to make the vulgar ataris of and . White answers at a or b."
xela: Years later, KataGo can tell us that here is a mistake. Instead, as a is allegedly sente against the corner (although to be honest, I get lost in the variations and can't see why black needs to reply). After white a, black b, white should sacrifice two stones with at , getting a reasonable position. Playing at the marked stone was still a mistake, but only a small one, not the disaster it's painted to be.
Checking MasterGo, I found that professionals actually play (4 games out of 4) here rather than at as Ishida proposes. After , Black plays either a or b, after which the various groups in the diagram fight things out.