LiChangHo Jingjiang Weiqi Sihuo
Lee Chang-ho's Selected Life and Death Go Problems (李昌镐精讲围棋死活, Yi Chang-ho Jingjiang Weiqi Sihuo) is a set of six Chinese, go problem books. Each of these volumes includes 123 life and death problems. In volumes 1-3, the first 60-problems are White/Black to live; the last 63-problems are White/Black to kill. In volumes 4-6, the first 52-problems are White/Black to live; the last 71-problems are White/Black to kill. Each page has one problem with the solution on the back w/ accompanying Chinese text. The problems become more difficult as one proceeds through the set of six books. The second half, to kill problems, of each book seems to be noticeably harder than the first half, to live problems.
- Volume 1: ISBN: 7-8105-1521-7
- Volume 2: ISBN: 7-8105-1522-5
- Volume 3: ISBN: 7-8105-1523-3
- Volume 4: ISBN: 7-8105-1524-1
- Volume 5: ISBN: 7-8105-1525-X
- Volume 6: ISBN: 7-8105-1526-8
The books contain only Chinese, no other language whatsoever. However, learning only three Chinese ideograms (?) allows one to read the first part of the heading for each problem: "黒先" = Black first, or "白先" = White first. Not knowing more Chinese may be a benefit to the reader as the problem accompanying the text often contains hints as the nature of the solution or the critical point of the same shown.
One complaint regarding these books is the thinness of the paper used. It is possible to see some portion of the answer diagrams through the page. A largish bookmark can be used to block out the non-printed part of the page presenting the problem and thereby hide the reverse image of the answer.
Sample Problems:
- The books are ghost written.
See Also
- Yi Chang-ho Jingjiang Weiqi Shoujin (the sister tesuji set)