Neil's game
jfc: commentary on a game between
YTH16 and Neil
jfc: The high move of here is inconsistent with the shimari in the lower right. 'A' would be better. (Dieter: is that so?)
I think gives a bad result. B or C are the obvious moves with black chosing a high or low position that complements the stone at or A. With white gets to divide Q10 and with the play at . (Dieter: is very bad: it is an invitation to be cut apart)
jfc: If black can cut white apart in the upper right then he may get a fair result. If white is successful at making a strong wall and completely enclosing black then the result favors white.
jfc: Blacks corner is big but most strong players would prefer to have white's strong wall.
Dieter: Black's corner is small (about 10 points assuming White endgame). The result is a disaster for Black. is a nonsensical move: if Black plays there at all, he should cut at . White better postponess and patch up his wall at a (my preference) or play actively at b.