Think like a Pro Haengma
Think Like a Pro: Haengma by Yun Yeong-seon, translated into English by Les Waller, published by Oromedia, distributed in the United States by Slate and Shell and Yutopian.
ISBN 89-90079-35-7
AJP: Complicated book. Mostly translated from Korean. By mostly, I mean that several concepts are left in what I'm guessing is korean transliteration such as 'pae' ('ko'), and 'dansu'. Most have their meanings given in the front but some, like 'dansu', do not and need to be translated by context. The problem "answers" occur randomly on the facing page vs the overleaf, so be sure to cover up the facing pages with an envelope or bookmark or some such to avoid giving away the surprise. The "problems" are more in the nature of, what kind of moves do you think would be reasonable, and then show how that could be improved upon. About a third seem to be made up constructed, but natural-looking situations and two-thirds taken from real games played in 2004-2005, so quite modern. Some of these "problems" are just to appreciate the solution after your incorrect attempts, for example, in one case it was "Cho U's next move surprised everyone... what is it and why is it useful?" Well, if the move surprised the pro 4 dan author, you can bet you're not going to figure it out on your own so it's more of a "appreciate the different possible approaches to dealing with this situation and how they each turn out" rather than "find the correct solution".
Haengma as used in this book doesn't have quite the meaning as on the haengma page. Near as I can discern it means more along the lines of "the relationships between combinations of locally placed stones to elegantly achieve a specific objective", where the combinations are not simple direct reading issues necessarly. Sort of a combination of what we'd call haengma, tesuji and sabaki.
Overall, good book. I think I am learning from this book. This is the author's first book, and I think that shows to some degree, but I hope she writes more.
Tapir: I recently won this book and like it very much. While sometimes I don't fully understand the lines given (I'll post some questions next time)... I got to know that I was playing rather mindless before, e.g. some of the follow-ups after common openings (oh my god), and I start seeing / looking for / trying new moves and becoming more flexible.
Table of Contents
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Sample Material
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