3-4 point low approach three-space low pincer tenuki
See 3-4 point low approach three-space low pincer
Bob McGuigan: Here's the normal Black response when White tenukis:
Bill: Shouldn't this be a BQM?
Jared: Let's keep it here. That way it can be distilled into a reasonable entry on this joseki page, where it belongs.
Bill: Joseki? What joseki?
Bill: This ladder works. That being the case, I do not like Black's original play (). (Although I expect that there are situations where it is fine.)
Jared: The ladder works, but after white responds to atari (probably by capturing at ) then black will have a good move at a or b. White feels cramped by a and is shut in well by b.
ferdi: Instead of Black b, Black c is better (and should be played right now, it's more important than a).
Bill: I agree with ferdi, and so I think that W d is better than , even though that leaves some aji with .
One thing to keep in mind is that Black has a 1-2 stone advantage. Unless Black makes a bad mistake he will come out ahead locally.