List of Youtube channels
List of Go-related Youtube channels.
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AAGo TV - Asociación Argentina de Go
The official Youtube channel of Argentine Go Association (Asociación Argentina del Juego de Go, AAGO). In Spanish.
The Official AGA Youtube Channel
AI Sensei Go Videos
Youtube channel of AI Sensei, an online Go game review service.
Awesome Baduk
Youtube channel for school taught by Young Sun Yoon 8p and Cho Yeonwoo 2p.
Baduk Doctor
Youtube channel of Park Youngwoon, Korean amateur 7-dan player. In English.
BenKyo Baduk
Youtube channel of Ben Mantle (BenKyo, BenKyo Baduk), Canadian amateur 5-dan player and full-time Go teacher & content creator
바둑랩 강좌 (Baduk Lab Lecture)
Youtube channel by Kim Seong-ryong. In Korean.
바둑 도서관 (Baduk Library)
Youtube channel. In Korean.
Youtube channel. In Korean.
조혜연「Hyeyeon Cho」
Youtube channel of Cho Hyeyeon, Korean 9-dan professional. Mostly in Korean. But also in English and Spanish.
Cornel Burzo
Youtube channel of Cornel Burzo, Romanian amateur EGF 6-dan amateur. In English.
Estudiando Go con Ini
Youtube channel. In Spanish.
Fédération Française de Go
Youtube channel of the French Federation of Go (Fédération Française de Go, FFG). Mostly in French.
FulguroGo - Tutoriel du Jeu de Go
Youtube channel. In French.
囲碁学校 Go Game School
Youtube channel. In Japanese.
강남바둑TV (Gangnam Baduk TV)
Youtube channel. In Korean.
Go Games Series
Go Magic
YouTube channel of Go Magic, a Go-learning website.
Go Pro Yeonwoo
English Youtube channel of Cho Yeonwoo, Korean professional 2-dan player.
囲碁棋士 柳 時熏のGo Channel
Youtube channel of Ryu Shikun, professional 9-dan player. In Japanese.
Youtube channel. In Japanese.
囲碁将棋TV -朝日新聞社- (Igo Shogi TV -Asahi Shimbun-)
Youtube channel. In Japanese.
Youtube channel Group of four professionals and one strong amateur. In Japanese.
In Sente
Inside Go / 도은교의낭만바둑 (Do Eungyo's Romantic Baduk)
English Youtube channel and
Korean Youtube channel of Do Eungyo, a Korean professional 1-dan player.
Youtube channel of Jena International Go School (JIGS). In English.
Jian Jian Good,Go Game World.
- Their
Youtube channel reuploads Tianyuan Weiqi Channel's (天元围棋频道) programs. In Chinese.
Jim Plays Go
K바둑 (K Baduk)
Youtube channel. In Korean.
김성룡 바둑랩 (Kim Seong-ryong Baduk Lab)
Youtube channel of Kim Seong-ryong. In Korean.
이현욱TV[프로바둑9단] (Lee Hyunwook TV [Pro Baduk 9 Dan])
Youtube channel of Lee Hyunwook, professional 9-dan player. In Korean.
Youtube channel. In French.
London Go Centre
Youtube channel of a children go school in Taiwan.
- Teachers are Taiwanese professional Lin Shengyi (林聖弈) and amateur high-dan Shi Mengchen (時孟晨).
Youtube channel. In French.
Michael Redmond's Go TV
Youtube channel of Michael Redmond, professional 9-dan player.
Youtube channel of Mikkgo, a Finnish Go player. In English.
- Regularly features Su Yang (Jeff Chang), amateur EGF 6-dan player.
Nick Sibicky
日本棋院囲碁チャンネル【公式】 (Nihon Ki-in Official Channel)
The official Youtube channel of Nihon Ki-in. In Japanese.
- This channel has links to other Japanese Go-related Youtube channels
here. Mostly by Japanese professional players.
Nordic Go Dojo
Youtube channel. In English.
Youtube channel of New York Institute of Go.
- The teachers are professional players Ryan Li 3p and Stephanie Yin 1p.
- There was also a series about the middle game by Zhaonian Chen, amateur 7-dan player.
- The channel has paid members-only videos.
Osaka Go Camp
Youtube channel of
International Osaka Go School taught by Maeda Ryo 6p, Li Ting 1p, and Francis Meyer 1p
Philippe Fanaro
Youtube channel. In Portugese.
프로연우 (Pro Yeonwoo)
Korean Youtube channel of Cho Yeonwoo, professional 2-dan player.
Youtube channel. In Chinese.
rido channel
Youtube channel. In Japanese.
Russian Go Federation
Youtube channel of the Russian Go Federation. Mostly in Russian.
Shawn Ray
Youtube channel of Shawn Ray, aka Clossius.
Sunday Go Lessons - Videos on the Game of Go!
Telegraph Go
- Telegraph Go is the channel of US high amateur dan Nate Morse.
쉬운사활 (Easy Life and Death)
Youtube channel. In Korean.
Youtube channel of professional players Tsuruyama Atsushi 8p and Rin Kanketsu 8p. In Japanese.
Youtube channel of Ji Lili (3p). In Chinese
Youtube channel. In Chinese.
Yoon`s Baduk Cafe
Youtube channel of Young Sun Yoon, professional 8-dan player.
Yoonyoung Kim
Youtube channel of Kim Yoonyoung professional 8-dan player.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Simons
Youtube channel of Andrew Simons (Uberdude).
바둑랩라이브 (Baduk Lab Live)
Youtube channel of Kim Seong-ryong. In Korean.
Youtube channel of Peter Brouwer (Danoontje) and Kim Ouweleen (murugandi).
Youtube channel. In Korean.
BGA - British Go Association
BIBA Baduk
Youtube channel of BIBA (Blackie's International Baduk Academy). Blackie is the nickname of Kim Seungjun, Korean professional 9-dan player. In English.
Brady Daniels
Catalin's Go Videos
Cats Play Go
Youtube channel. In Chinese.
Cho's Go
Youtube channel of Evan Cho, Korean former insei and amateur 7-dan player. In English
European Go Federation
European Professional Online Go League
Game of Go Baduk TV囲碁対局棋譜
Youtube channel. In Chinese.
Go Commentary
Youtube channel of countsheep.
- The channel archives commentary from the defunct
GoGameGuru deprecated
Go Talk
Haylee's World of Go/Baduk
Youtube channel of Lee Hajin, retired Korean professional 4-dan player. In English.
Igo-Shogi Channel (Japan)
Youtube channel. In Japanese.
Jeu de go - Les parties commentées de Francois
Youtube channel. In French.
Joshua Lee
Littlelamb Go
Youtube channel of Mimura Tomoyasu, professional 9-dan player. In Japanese.
Youtube channel of Fujisawa Kazunari, professional 8-dan player. In Japanese.
- Features other Japanese pros too.
Remi Vannier
Youtube channel. In French.
Youtube channel of So Yokoku, professional 9-dan player. In Japanese.
Tyler Oyakawa
Weiqi master
Youtube channel. In Chinese.
Youtube channel of Yoda Norimoto, professional 9-dan player. In Japanese.
Yunguseng Dojang
See also
We have a list of channels on the OGS forums. -- bugcat
Similar list is List of Patreons