Francis Meyer

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Francis Meyer 1p (b. 28 August 1990)

Kansai Kiin page [ext] profile

2014 41st Tengen title, Preliminary [ext] round B

In 2014, he qualified as a professional with the Kansai Ki-in.

2013 teacher at [ext] Osaka Go camp

His father is American and mother is Japanese. He was an amateur player, born in North Carolina, attended university in the United States and subsequently lived in Osaka, Japan, where he became an insei of the Kansai Kiin. In 2010, he placed second in the US Open.

Hyperpape I believe the chronology is wrong: in 2010 when he played in the US Open, the reports were that he had been an insei in Japan where he had spent some/much of his youth, but was coming to the US for college.

He was a student of Maeda Ryo ([ext], [ext]

According to his profile at the Kansai Ki-in website his go motto is "Without haste but without rest."

Francis Meyer last edited by on July 19, 2024 - 02:19
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