Terayama Rei
Keywords: People
Terayama Rei (寺山 怜) is a professional player born 1990-12-20, promoted 1 dan in 2007, 2 dan in July 2009, 3 dan in 2011, 6 dan in 2019 (by prize earnings).
Pupil of Fujisawa Kazunari 8 dan.
Winner in 2010 of the 5th Hiroshima Arumi Cup. Runner up in 2016 of the 63rd NHK Cup.
- Nihon Kiin
ヨセの強化書 基礎編 - "Endgame Strengthening - Fundamentals"
ヨセの強化書 応用編 - "Endgame Strengthening - Application?"
古碁×AI 秀和と秀策に学ぶ勝負術 - "Classical Go ✖ AI - winning techniques to learn from Shuwa and Shusaku." Ohashi Hirofumi, Terayama Rei.
Video appearances:
- YouTube commentator of a game between Kibe Natsuki and Nakamura Sumire in the 41st Women's Honinbo qualifying rounds on 2022/03/31.