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Dwyrin is the Internet identity of a US based amateur high dan who does online teaching and demonstrations of Go games. He generally uploads a video on Monday ('Murder Mondays') and Friday ('Back to Basics') to his [ext] youtube channel, and sometimes uploads extra videos. He also streams on [ext] twitch on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday nights (US time), around 12-15 hours a week.

Dwyrin has also written a book [ext] How to Open Go based on his basics series which was released in April 2023.


Dwyrin's basics are, non-exhaustively

  • make shape and poke at your opponent's shape
  • aim for sente - always ask yourself: "do I have to respond here?"
  • find the biggest area - an easy heuristic here is the number of empty points between two stones (usually corner positions)
  • an enclosure and its extension are miai: if your opponent takes one, you take the other
  • when invading, look for multiple options (jumping out, making a base)
  • there is no reason to fight. Usually the thing (a stone, a piece of territory) is not worth fighting over. Just take larger points
    • the outcome of a fight is unpredictable; in particular you might lose sente and it's the opponent who takes a large point
    • you can't always back off though: when your opponent does something unreasonable, he shouldn't get away with that easily

He's mildly critical of the new variations introduced by AI bots, notably the early 3-3 invasion, or at least advises against its mindless imitation.

Dwyrin has coined the term winning condition as a mental device for determining your strategy.

Here is a [ext] meta-video on his basic series. Some quotes

  • "don't rely on a crutch"
  • "your opponent will give you many opportunities to show your superior direction of play"

Basics exist on many levels. Here's his video about basics on double digit kyu level: [ext] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltGBqeYVf7o

Dwyrin last edited by on October 12, 2023 - 07:05
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