You Tube Lectures
Table of contents |
Listed by Lecturer
Alexandre Dinerchtein
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 1
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 2
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 3
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 4
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p part 5
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p 6
Andrew Jackson
4d AGA. He teaches / taught (?) the SDK class at the Seattle Go Center. Inactive as of 2017.
His main series is recordings of his teaching at his class. He regularly appears in Nick Sibicky's videos, and commentates for the AGA and for other events such as the Ke Jie vs AlphaGo match.
Baduk Doctor
Youtube channel of Park Youngwoon, Korean amateur 7d player.
Bat's Go Lectures
Livestream (page not found)
Ben Mantle (BenKyo)
- [Patreon|
BIBA Baduk
Catalin Taranu
The daily 123Go series (2009)
''Catalin's Go videos'' (channel, 8 videos, 2014)
Countsheep is a strong chinese amateur player and countsheep is his nickname on GoDiscussions.
More about him and his effort at or * Go Commentary´s Youtube Chanel
Go Commentary´s "10 Minute Go" This series explains several Go Problems
10 Minute Go - Episode 1
10 Minute Go - Episode 2
10 Minute Go - Episode 3
10 Minute Go - Episode 4
10 Minute Go - Episode 5
Game Commentary - Kong Jie vs Lee Sedol - 19.01.2009 Professional Samsung Cup Final Match commented
Go Game World
- Their
Youtube channel has 2 videos about attacking.
Go Pro Yeonwoo
Go Shawk Heron
Go Shawk Heron`s Youtube Channel Terminology and Concepts of Go
5 dan professional.
Guo Juan´s Internet Go School Go here for the complete and up-to-date listing. You will find a lot of free Go lessons (8 available as of 9/15/13)
Some examples:
She has begun a monthly Q&A series with the Open Study Room on their Youtube channel . With a (free) OSR account, you can ask questions on their site at .
OSR Youtube Channel:
In Sente's Go Lessons
Jianqiu Chen
Joshua Lee's Go Lectures
- Collection (>20 videos) of KGS lectures by Joshua Lee (AGA 5d). Intended for kyu players.
Michael Redmond
Active 9 dan professional. He reviews games for the AGA (on their Youtube channel) alongside co-commentator Chris Garlock. His series are:
He is set to begin another series, reviewing the games of AlphaGo Zero?.
New York Institute of Go
Nick Sibicky's Go Lectures
Nick Sibicky's Go Playlist (recorded at the Seattle Go Center. Intended for DDK players).
Open Study Room
They record lectures made on KGS and OGS by a variety of dan amateurs on a mixture of topics. They also host Guo Juan's Q&A series (see the Guo Juan entry for more info).
RJM (KGS user) reviews all games from Shusaku Invincible Book
Sunday Go Lessons
Uberdude (Andrew Simons)
4d EGF, former British Champion.
3-3 invasion with approach lecture
British Go Championship 2015 games 1&2 lecture
British Go Championship 2015 game 3 lecture
Wang Yuan
Yoon`s Baduk Cafe
Yoonyoung Kim
Yunguseng Dojang
- Their
Youtube channel and
Vimeo channel have free video lectures.
Zhang Yuanbo 4D a.k.a LittleLamb? plays and comments on his Tygem games
Dahorse (aka Zebin Du) joins LittleLamb? on his channel!
Listed by Level
Beginners (beginner-15k)
Intermediate (15k-2d)
The Daily 123Go lesson Fuseki
The Daily 123Go lesson INTRO
The Daily 123Go lesson 2nd day
The Daily 123Go lesson 3rd day
The Daily 123Go lesson 4th day
The Daily 123GO lesson YOSE
The Daily 123Go lesson Joseki
Lecture 1 by Guo Juan 5p
The Middlegame
Joseki Concepts by Ben Mantle (BenKyoBaduk)
Advanced (1d-)
Fantastic Moves
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 1
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 2
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 3
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 4
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p part 5
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p 6
Listed by Subject
Trick Moves
Game Commentaries
The Daily 123Go lesson 2nd day
The Daily 123Go lesson 3rd day
The Daily 123Go lesson 4th day
The Middlegame by Guo Juan 5p
Fantastic Moves
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 2
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 3
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p day 4
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p part 5
Go-report with Alexander Dinerchtein 1p 6
Lets play Go - IGS 2k
Non-English lectures
Babibo's channel Commented games and short thematic lectures by a French EGF 1d
Fulgurogo Lots of high quality content by a Belgian EGF 3d
Pro Yeonwoo The Korean youtube channel of Cho Yeonwoo 2p
See also
List of Youtube channels Pro Game Reviews On Youtube
paulmassey?: PS: This is my first SL page, so apologies for any lack of etiquette.