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Joel Yliluoma

I use the nickname Bisqwit in Internet. You can contact me in ircnet and in KGS.

I am a 1978 born Finn who spends way too much time with computers, developing [ext] software of various kinds.

I like [ext] good anime like Hikaru no Go and The Slayers, and am interested in the Japanese language and culture (just like any otaku?).

I'm currently 14 kyu in Finland, and I'm not working very hard to progress. I enjoy playing in real life a lot more than playing online, but there's no people to play often with... I have written something about playing habits in my KGS user info.

I'm also interesting in computer Go algorithms, and the debug functions of GnuGo for example.

I would like to render an animation of Phantom Go and of Magnetic Go using POV-Ray sometime in the future. Both sound quite exciting.

My website (homepage, if you will): [ext]

I have a [ext] page in [ext] SuomiGo (a Finnish go-wiki) too.

I'm a Recent Changes Junkie and I've written a bot that monitors the Recent Changes page so that I won't miss interesting discussions and pages. It talks to me in IRC.

Bisqwit last edited by Bisqwit on August 23, 2004 - 01:28
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