Rich Lancashire

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I'm an Englishman currently living in [ext] Leiden, the Netherlands.

I started playing Go in May of 2002. I've just started playing on-line and I'm currently (end June 2003) around 11k on KGS, where I play under the name 'Shashka'.

End October 2003: Gone up to 9k, largely thanks to Nagahara-sensei. I'm beginning to really appreciate aji; I think I've passed another plateau, and Go's started to look like another game entirely, same as happened around 18-16k and 14-12k.

Seems like there's a routine: paradigm shift and two-stone gain, then slowly up another few stones as the problems get ironed out, then a plateau. Then, as the next shift approaches and I realise I'm doing it all wrong, a losing streak. Repeat.

January 2004: Still around 9k, but I got Making Good Shape and Attack & Defense for Christmas. Both great books, and both changing the way I look at the game, the moves, the stones, the lot. I'm waiting for the dip in strength before the next plateau now...

March 2004: 7k; I'm organising the [ext] Leids Paastoernooi this year.

October 2004: The tournament went pretty well, all things considered. I'm now solidly 6k, not putting in the time to really improve yet, but enjoying being where I am and looking forward to the next rush of inspiration.

November 2004: I'm entering the Arnhem Tournament this weekend; since I've been winning more than losing recently, I'm going to sign in as a 5k. It's McMahon, so I will at least break my winning streak :P Edit: I scored 3 of 6 points, and beat two 3-kyus in doing so. It seems I'm around 3k at fighting, and about 6k at playing 'nicely' :P Later edit: I beat a 3k quite handily in an even game, but I still feel around 5k.

Pimenta: Hi Rich. I'm working in Delft, and I usually play online (KGS) and at home with a couple of friends. It would be nice to play in a club sometime. Perhaps I'll stop by Leiden one of these days. At what club do you play?

TDerz: Rich & Pimenta, could you please come into contact with me? Rijswijk & The Hague are between Delft and Leiden.

Email me at [email] (removethat) and 2005=xs4all or here on Senseis.

Rich Lancashire last edited by on September 19, 2011 - 01:49
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