Rich: Nice problem... I like the look of . If
makes miai of points 2 and 3. If
, black at 'a' leaves white unable to squeeze at
because of shortage of liberties.
TimK: If at
, black at 'a' is self-atari. Black at
causes a shortage of liberties.
zinger: Actually if at
, black at a captures a stone, so it's not self-atari. Also if
, then
causes shortage on both sides. Looks like a good solution.
Adammarquis: I thought this defense () was interesting for White, simply because if I follow my first instinct as Black I connect to make a straight three, and White lives by playing at
. But what I really came here to say is this:
Adammarquis: I looked at this again and again in my head, simply not seeing that White doesn't have the liberties to play . I find that shortage of liberties is one of the hardest things for me to see down the line. One last note, because I often have trouble seeing the difference:
Adammarquis: Not a seki, although I always think it is in games. White will eventually need to connect at 'a', leaving a dead shape. This was one of the coolest problems I've encountered for my level for doing out in my head, the difficulty seemed just right.