21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki
Keywords: Joseki, Books & Publications
The 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki By Takao Shinji , translated by John Power from Japanese into English.
The first volume provides complete coverage of 3-4 point joseki. The 2nd volume covers star, 5-3, 5-4, and 3-3 point josekis.
The update to Ishida's Basic Dictionary of Joseki
See also Joseki Dictionary Coverage Depth
- Recommended by
John Fairbairn @ lifein19x19
- PeterHB: Enjoyably fluent and well thought out translation by John Power. Covers the same ground as the old Ishida, but is apparently updated with changes from the intervening 30 years. I've not spotted the updates so far, apart from some references to the chinese opening, but I haven't read much yet. Intelligently laid out on good quality large paper (Japanese B5) for easy reading.
- tapir: It is probably the first recent (oriental) go book, which was earlier available in German than in English.
See Also
- Lexikon der Joseki I - German edition (volume 1)
- Lexikon der Joseki II - German edition (volume 2)
- Lexikon der Joseki III - German edition (volume 3)