Open Skirt

    Keywords: Strategy, Go term

Chinese: -
Japanese: 裾開き, スソアキ (suso-aki)
Korean: -

An opening at one or both sides of a territory on the edge of the board, with opponent stones positioned so as to be able to slide or jump in. Weaker players tend to underestimate the negative value of an open skirt, especially since it's hard to find the right time to close it off, such moves usually being gote. If both edges of the territory are open-skirted, then playing on the left and the right may be miai, making the territory worth even less (see Do not defend territories open on two sides).

In case of a "low" open skirt, a monkey jump can be a good way to reduce. But a monkey jump can only destroy territory (or eyes); it is not good for making territory.

TODO: find better examples of more typical open skirt configurations.

White's open skirt on the left  

White 1 may be a good move for other reasons, but as an attempt to make territory along the top it suffers from open-skirtedness. Black can jump into the open skirt with a.

Charles gives a similar position of interest from a pro game. Black's territory at the top, if it can be called that, has an open skirt.

In this game Miyazawa Goro (B) - a player noted for his originality - played B1 and later B3. Then the position was left for a while.


Somewhat later in the game, once White had built up some central influence, White enters the open skirt this way.

Open Skirt last edited by 2a02:a46c:f021:0001 on July 19, 2023 - 11:41
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