3-4 point high approach, two-space high pincer, tenuki, keima
See 3-4 point high approach, two-space high pincer, tenuki
Black's next move here is normally at .
White has responded at a (some games from China), or b (to which Black has a good answer at c). Since neither of these is very effective in handling matters, White often plays tenuki once more instead.
Therefore after , White is outnumbered four-to-one, and really must seek sabaki here with - choosing a line next other than tsukehiki. On some occasions White could start at the open skirt with d.
Of White's ways to play here, the staircase at is easiest to understand, since it tries for a small life in the corner; cross-cut at a is typical as a sabaki idea, and aims at the right side; and the innovative b was recently played by Yi Ch'ang-ho.