Go Text Protocol
The Go Text Protocol (GTP) is a text based protocol for communication with computer go programs, suitable for use in computer Go tournaments. It is also intended, through the use of auxiliary programs, to make it easier for go programmers to connect to go servers on the internet and do automatic regression testing. GTP has largely superseded the antiquated Go Modem Protocol.
See https://www.lysator.liu.se/~gunnar/gtp/ for more information.
Clients supporting GTP
- GoGui: The _BEST_ tool for analyzing Go program internals.
- Sabaki
- SenteGoban
- Drago
- gGo
- glGo
Gomill: Tools for playing programs against each other and for automatically tuning engine parameters.
- GridMaster
- kgsGtp: A GTP bridge to KGS. allowing GTP Go engines to play on KGS.
gtp2ogs: Allows Go engines that support GTP to become online opponents on OGS.
- Lizzie
- SmartGo
Engines (go-playing programs) supporting GTP
An easy way to start learning about GTP is to run one of these engines without a client. e.g. bring up a shell/command prompt and type
gnugo --mode gtp
to bring up a list of GTP commands type
to view the Go board type
to make a first move type (for example)
play black q16
to make the engine move type
genmove white