Go Review/Famous Games Ancient And Modern

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Go Review's Famous Games Ancient and Modern was a series of 32-articles about Go history. Each article contained a relevant game commentary. It was published in Go Review from 1967-70. In the English go world, it was one of the first in-depth, article series introducing western go players to important historical events, players, matches and developments throughout go history.


Issue Topic Game Record
Go Review 1967-11 The Ear Reddening Game, Gennan v. Shusaku 1846-09-11
Go Review 1967-12 "Literally a Game for Blood": The Blood-Vomiting Game, Jowa v. Intetsu 1835-08-13
Go Review 1968-02 "The Most Exquisite Game Ever Played," Chitoku v. Jowa 1820-05-21
Go Review 1968-07 "A Great Genius's Self-Recommending Piece," Shusaku v. Yuzo, 30-game match, game 17 1853-07-10
Go Review 1968-08 "One of Shuei's Best Games," Shuei v. Shuho, 10-game reconciliation match, game 9 1885-11-15
Go Review 1968-09 "The Most Paradoxical Move of Chitoku": The Brilliant Dame Move, Chitoku v. Genjo 1812-05-12
Go Review 1968-10 "One of the Most Heart-Rending Games Pt. 1," Go v. Kitani, Kamakura jubango, game 1 1939-09-28
Go Review 1968-11 "One of the Most Heart-Rending Games Pt. 2," Go v. Kitani, Kamakura jubango, game 1 1939-09-28
Go Review 1968-12 "Splendid Victory of His Rival, Recovering Honinbo Title for Nihon Kiin," Hashimoto v. Takagawa, 7th Honinbo final, game 3 1952-07-23
Go Review 1969-01 "Return Match After 15 Years Interval," Nozawa v. Suzuki, 10-game match, game 9 1930-02
Go Review 1969-02 "A Fight Between Two Grand Champions": East v. West, Segoe v. Suzuki, Oteai spring session, round 8 1927-05-25
Go Review 1969-03 "Ideologies Fought on the Go Board. Theories of Old & New Met [...] Teachers v. Pupils," Segoe & Suzuki v. Go & Kitani 1934-12-10
Go Review 1969-04 "The Brilliant Finale of The Big Amateur [...] the Teacher of Teachers": The Last Game Between Teacher & Pupil, Kitani v. Kubomatsu 1941-11-19
Go Review 1969-05 "A Big Fight to Win the Governmental Go-Title in 1840,": The 71-Hour Match. Gennan v. Shuwa, 10-game challenge match, game 1 1840-12-22
Go Review 1969-06 "The Hare and the Tortoise": The Quick v. Long Thinker, Shuei v. Yasuhisa, game for Jiji Shinpo 1904-07-10
Go Review 1969-07 "Severest Fight of Two Uncompromising Masters," Karigane v. Shusai, Nihon Kiin v. Kiseisha Win & Continue Match, game 1 1926-09-27
Go Review 1969-08 "The Most Exquisite Move Played": Game with the Meijin, Go v. Shusai 1933-10-16
Go Review 1969-09 "Invincible Shusai Defeated. The Last Game of Honinbo Shusai": The Meijin's Retirement Game, Kitani v. Shusai 1938-06-26
Go Review 1969-10 "Takagawa Beats Go Seigen by a Rule," Go v. Takagawa, 3-game match "Go Seigen versus the Honinbo," game 2 1959-01-09
Go Review 1969-11 "Boy of Sixteen Against His Guardian Master," Dochi v. Dosetsu, 10-game match, game 1 1706-02
Go Review 1969-12 "A Fighter and a Sophisticated Player," Genbi v. Senchi, Castle Game 1821-12-11
Go Review 1970-01 "First Glorious Victory Over the Greatest Genius," Go v. Sakata, 6-game match, game 2 1953-06-11
Go Review 1970-02 Sakata's Fierce Fighting Spirit Against the Undisputed #1, Rin v. Sakata, 22nd Honinbo Final, Game 3 1967-05-23
Go Review 1970-03 "A Gallant Game Between a Born Professional and a Semi-Amateur": The Exquisite Endgame Play, Kenzo v. Nuiji 1883-03-18
Go Review 1970-04 "The Famous Unfinished Game," Jowa v. Sansetsu? 1822-04-26
Go Review 1970-05 "Swallowing Enemy Stones Caused Stomachache," Fujisawa v. Miyashita, Oteai game 1951
Go Review 1970-06 "Most Confused Fight on the Go-Board," Ansetsu v. Jowa, Castle Game 1821-12-11
Go Review 1970-07 "Fight Between Young Eagle and Young Hawk," Jowa v. Rittetsu 1814-09-04
Go Review 1970-08 "A Golden Game in Go-History," Go v. Kitani,Kamakura jubango, game 9 1941-05-08
Go Review 1970-09 "A Pattern of an Orthodox Play by a Veteran Expert," Hayashi v. Kubomatsu, Oteai game 1941-11-11
Go Review 1970-10 "Complete Victory by Black Knight," Kato v. Kitani, 1st Honinbo title preliminary, round 1 1940-01-21
Go Review 1970-11 "Seeking Desperate Remedies": Dosaku's Early Talent, Chitetsu v. Dosaku 1668-07-10
Go Review 1970-12 "An Early Game by Famous Players": Honinbo Shuritsu? The Fated Genius Ends with a 90% Win Record. Kogishi v. Onoda 1917


Go Review/Famous Games Ancient And Modern last edited by hnishy on June 8, 2024 - 06:28
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