Go Review

    Keywords: Books & Publications

Go Review was one of the first[1] periodicals in English on the game of Go. This go magazine was published monthly by the Nihon Ki-in from January 1961 to April 1973, then quarterly for 16 issues to the Spring 1977 issue, which was the last; so the complete run includes 164 magazines.

Go World succeeded it, with a similar format but more commented pro games.

A digitized version of Go Review on DVD, called Go Review Archive, was released by Kiseido Digital in May, 2010. A sample of the June 1963 issue is available for download on the [ext] Kiseido Digital home page.

[1] The American Go Journal was first published in 1949.

Go Review last edited by hnishy on July 8, 2024 - 04:48
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