Suzuki Tamejiro

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Suzuki Tamejiro (鈴木為次郎, 1883–1960) was a professional Go player, Honorary 9-dan.

Suzuki was a pupil of Iwasaki Kenzo and Shuei. Suzuki reached 4-dan in 1912. Suzuki took part in a six-game match against Segoe Kensaku and a jubango with Nozawa Chikucho. He was a member at times of Hiseikai, the Nihon Ki-in, and Kiseisha. He reached 8-dan in 1942. 9-dan Emeritus in 1975.

Suzuki was an author and editor, in particular of the Igo Daijiten (Great Joseki Dictionary), and its derivative work the Joseki Shojiten (Small Joseki Dictionary) with Kitani. He also wrote a two volume work, New-style Go Life and Death Research (Shin-shiki Igo Shikatsu Kenkyuu 新式囲碁死活研究), which is available at the Japanese National Diet Library: [ext] vol.1, [ext] vol.2

Suzuki's pupils were Sekiyama Riichi, Kitani Minoru, Shimamura Toshihiro, Handa Dogen, Suzuki Goro, and Suzuki Masaharu. His wife, Suzuki Hideko was also a professional.

Suzuki Tamejiro last edited by 2603:9001:6e0b:2694 on July 14, 2024 - 21:37
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