Kato Shin

    Keywords: People

Kato Shin (加藤信, 1891-1952) was a Hoensha professional Go player and later a Nihon Ki-in professional (briefly in Kiseisha), becoming 8-dan in 1942.

Kato drew with Sekiyama Riichi in the first Honinbo title match 3-3 in 1941 and missed the title by tie-break - results in the preliminaries.

Kato is remembered as a prominent opponent of komi go, for publishing an opinion "On irrationality of komi Go" on Mainichi Shinbun newspaper. But, according to Yasunaga Hajime's memoir, it was actually an opinion of Hirose Heijiro, young Kato's teacher.

Kato's pupils were Isogawa Masao, Tanaka Minaichi, Kanai Shin'ichi and Tsubouchi Seikan.

Kato Shin last edited by hnishy on May 20, 2024 - 09:59
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