Ota Yuzo

    Keywords: Culture & History, People

Ota Yuzo (太田 雄蔵 Ōta Yūzō, 1807-1856) was a 7-dan Japanese professional go player. He is known for being one of the Tempo Four and playing a sanjubango against Honinbo Shusaku.

He published a book titled Seisei Shudan (西征手談) in 1841, collecting 52 of his games, which is available at the Japanese National Diet Library [ext] here.

Taken from "Invincible": Yuzo was Shusaku's top rival and Shusaku played more games with Yuzo than with anyone else. Yuzo's favorite move was the mokuhazushi and he was a very aggressive player. He was also said to be one of the most handsome professional Go players of the time. He did not participate in the Castle games because he would have had to shave his head.

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1848: 7d

Ota Yuzo last edited by hnishy on June 2, 2024 - 02:06
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