European Go Database
Table of contents |
Thousands of tournaments, tens of thousands of players and hundreds of thousands of results! All the statistics you ever wanted and never dared to ask for!
Welcome to the European Go Database (EGD for short)! A huge database containing all of the results from and every player in all of the rated European tournaments, starting from January 1st, 1996 (the '95-'96 London Open).
Updated in real-time, as soon as tournaments directors upload their results.
The EGD was created by the AGI (formerly a National Go Association in Italy). It is based on the archives of Ales Cieply.
- You don't remember who your opponents were in that beautiful tournament?
- You want to see the wall list of the 2000 Amsterdam tournament, or of the 1997 Christmas tournament in Becov?
- Do you want to see how your GoR is progressing?
- Do you want to know how how many times you've won against your fiercest rival?
- Do you want to upload the sgf of your tournament games, or the picture of you slashing the dragon of your 5 dan opponent?
Go to the EGD and find many more features and statistics?.
Enjoy it, it is free!
EGD is the official data repository of European tournaments
Starting from April 3rd, 2009, EGD has become the official data repository of european tournaments, and the official agent for calculating GoR variations.
Therefore, you can download from its pages all the rating tables formerly provided by Ales Cieply's pages, updated in real time.
How it works and what you can get
I won't go into details here, you can go to the EGD and discover by yourself...
In the main menu you have several options:
- Players
- Tournaments
- Games
- Statistics
You can search players, tournaments or even single games by name, Country, Club and other parameters. You get tables which are sortable, with a tremendous amount of information.
Furthermore there is an option:
- Admin
which drives you to a backend section where, if you are a tournament organizer, you can directly upload your results. And finally there is an option:
- EGF Ratings
where you can find all the rating tables updated in real time, and also the description of the european rating system.
Here below some of the data you can get.
Player Card
- Name
- Country
- Club
- Rank
- EGF Placement
- GoR (including a graph of it vs. all your tournaments)
- Proposed Rank
- Total tournaments
- Last appearance
- A graph of your results of the latest 15 tournaments
- A table (sortable) with all your tournaments
- A table (sortable) with all your games
- A table (sortable) with all your opponents
- Biography (if available)
If you send us your picture or the sgf of your games we can upload them in your card...
Tournament Card
- Tournament code
- Wall-list
- Reliability
- Description
- Category
- Date
- City
- Country
- Tournament class
- Rounds
- Players
- For each player, her/his opponents, results, possible sgf, whatever.
In the Tournament Card there is also a button which drives you to another page with the complete details of the GoR variations triggered by that tournament.
You can setup search parameters such as the player and/or the country and/or the club and/or the presence of a SGF recording and so on, and then get a list of single games.
Statistics say it all (a lot of graphs, tables and other complicated things), and we are working on implementing new ones (see below Future developments). This section could be considered the core of the whole project, its raison d'être. Without it we could hardly convince you that EGD is really important.
Just as an example, you can find for each Country a summary that contains:
- Number of players
- Average rank
- Average GoR
- Number of tournaments
- Linear regression of Ranks declared vs Actual Strentgh (GoR)
Clicking on a Country, you obtain a graph and a table showing the number of players per class of GoR, plus the number of tournaments organised per year and the average number of participants.
Not only that, for each club of that Country you have a summary similar to the one described above.
Clicking on a club, again you obtain a graph and a table showing the number of players per class of GoR, plus, hear hear, you can view all the results of that club vs. other clubs of the same Country or vs. other Countries!
Can you want more? Well, if you can, tell us, we will see what we can do... ;-)
Help us make it better
I am sure I am forgetting some features, but, as I said, just go there, and have fun! And please, do not hesitate to send us information, pictures, sgf, corrections, additions and suggestions.
This is THE European Go Database, this is YOUR database!
The EGD is based on wall-lists directly uploaded by tournament directors. Any error in the wall-lists goes directly into the EGD, but we trust tournament's directors to double-check their data before submitting them...
Moreover, as you probably know, these wall-lists are text files which are not totally standardised.
The EGD importing engine takes thorough care of this, but there are a very few instances where it was impossible to straighten the data. So a very small number of flaws are still there.
If you detect one please let us know!: send e-mails either to Ales Cieply or to Aldo Podavini
In general we can say that the EGD is 99 % reliable.
Future developments
See:EGD Wish List
We're currently tackling the following tasks:
- Improve the player’s card management, allowing the editing of its contents either on the web or by mass importing
- Improve statistical reports
- You name it
Please take this last item literally: if you desire a particular statistic, or information, to appear in the EGD just e-mail us, or add it to the wish list, and we'll try to implement it.
Big Kudos to Aldo Podavini (web underscore admin AT europeangodatabase DOT eu), who had the idea, worked at the initial definition of data, developed all the upload engine and who keeps the supervision of the whole project.
HUGE Kudos to Paolo Scattini (pscattini AT agi DOT go DOT it), AGI?'s WebGrandMaster, who created the engine that before April 2009 used to fish raw data from a bunch of non-standardised text files called wall-lists, make them edible and feed them to the database.
Not only that, he wholly designed the front-end interfaces, which are beautiful, practical and easy to use%%%
Without Paolo all this would still be a dream...
Super Kudos to Ronald van Ueffelen, who behind the scenes is working hard on the statistics, graphs and whataver, to give thick substance to the EGD.
Much grateful Kudos to Ales Cieply for maintaining the EGF tournament database since 1996, for making data available and for collaborating with great kindness all the way through.
I had no role whatsoever, but the nasty one of saying every other day: "Bravo, you're doing well! Er... Are we finished yet?"
EGD relies on a technology Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP; at the moment it is hosted on a virtual private server at Aruba (an Italian ISP).
In the future, we'll evaluate whether mirroring EGD (if anybody has disposal of reliable servers, and wants to mirror EGD, please let us know).
Our idea is to make the project Free Software, so sooner or later we’ll make the source code publicly available.
1999 Ales Cieply starts to expand the Czech rating system with results from all Europe, entering wall lists going back to 1996.
- Updated rating lists were published monthly
- Wall lists were sent in by email
- 3 classes of tournaments (A, B, C): tournaments with minimum 75 minutes, 50 minutes and 30 minutes adjusted time count with 100%, 75% and 50% weight to the rating.
Page on Wayback Machine 1999
2004 The UK makes a proposal to extend the rating to 30 Kyu (preferably 35 Kyu) – it's rejected.
2004 AGI starts mirroring the results on Paolo Scattini (frontend), Aldo Podavini (backend), Ronald Van Uffelen (statistical reports)
2005 The definitions of the classes are extended. A, B: well organized, C: Club / casually organized. Before this A was 5 rounds and B 3 rounds. original proposal
2009 The AGI team around Aldo takes over the EGF rating and registers an own domain Ratings are now updated in real time. Club abbreviations increase from 3 to 4 letters.
2009 The AGA with Jonathan M. Bresler starts to use the same system, EGD and AGAGD, EGD later cross references it (around 300 players). AGA Rating goes back to 1991. Project stopped in 2012.
2011 The EGD starts accepting results from a recurring online tournament the Pandanet Go European Team Championship.
2013 France makes a proposal to lower the Kyu limit from 20 Kyu to 30 Kyu – it's rejected.
2014 The UK makes a proposal to also accept games played in the internet – it's accepted (class D with a weighting of 25%) for a trial of 1 year; in 2017/2018 this period was extended indefinitely.
2018 The EGD excludes Pandanet Go European Team Championship results, which had been included since 2011.
2019 Belgium makes a proposal Extend the rating scale up to 40 kyu – it's rejected, but a
rating commission is founded to discuss an expansion to lower Kyu ranks.
2020 The EGF rating goes back from the AGI initiative to the EGF.
Rating and ranks extended to 30 Kyu, algorithm to calculate rating changed / improved Notes from EGF AGM 2019
2021 Take into account games played on boards smaller than 19x19 in the European Rating System Belgium Proposal, implemented late 2022
During the Covid pandemic online tournaments were allowed with a higher class (A-C instead of D) Higher class until the 2022 AGM