EGF tournament class

    Keywords: Tournament

In 1999 EGF Tournaments were divided into 3 Classes for rating purposes. In 2015 a new class was created for Internet Tournaments. As always, the EGF Ratings Committee reserves the right to adjust the class of a tournament if considered necessary:

Class A:

  • Well organized tournament, recognized by EGF member.
  • Time limit requirements: Basic time minimum 60 minutes, Adjusted time minimum 75 minutes,
  • Weight for inclusion to EGF ratings: 1.00
  • There is no restriction about allowing handicap games in a Class A tournament.

Class B:

  • Well organized tournament recognized by EGF member.
  • Time limit requirements: Basic time minimum 40 minute, adjusted time minimum 50 minutes,
  • Weight for inclusion to EGF ratings: 0.75

Class C:

  • Casual or club tournament recognized by EGF member.
  • Time limit requirements: Basic time minimum 25 minutes, adjusted time minimum 30 minutes.
  • Weight for inclusion to EGF ratings: 0.50

Class D:

  • Tournaments played on Internet
  • Time limit requirements: adjusted time minimum 50 minutes, basic time minimum 40 minutes;
  • Weight for inclusion to EGF ratings: 0.25
  • Only tournaments held by national organisations, member of the EGF, are accepted for inclusion into this class. The organisers must ensure that all the games have been played fairly, and all the players are members of EGF members.

Adjusted time

Adjusted time (TA) depends on the timing system

For standard byoyomi:

Adjusted time = basic time + time equivalent to 45 moves in standard byoyomi.

For Canadian Byoyomi:

Adjusted time = basic time + time equivalent to 60 moves in Canadian byoyomi.

For Fischer timing:

As of October 2010 the Rating Commission has approved the inclusion of tournaments played with the Fischer timing system. These are the rules for classify such tournaments: Adjusted time = Basic time + bonus calculated for 120 moves


Class A: minimum Basic time 45 minutes, minimum Adjusted time 75 minutes (e.g.: 45 minutes + 15'' per move)

Class B: minimum Basic time 30 minutes, minimum Adjusted time 50 minutes (e.g.: 30 minutes + 10'' per move)

Class C: minimum Basic time 20 minutes, minimum Adjusted time 30 minutes (e.g.: 20 minutes + 5'' per move)

The time per move (in seconds) can be calculated as (Adjusted time in minutes - Basic time in minutes ) /2 This needs to be rounded up

For sudden death:

Sudden death - implying no overtime: Adjusted time = Basic time - is acceptable, provided all other criteria are met.

See also

EGF tournament class last edited by RolandIllig on May 22, 2024 - 18:07
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