European Go Federation

    Keywords: Clubs & Places

The [ext] European Go Federation (EGF) is the principal organising body for Go in Europe. Current president is Martin Stiassny.

The purpose of the EGF is to encourage, regulate, co-ordinate, and disseminate the playing of Go in Europe. The EGF is a non-profit organization, has no political purpose, and is interested only in the promotion of Go.

In accordance with this purpose, the specific objects shall be as follows:

  • To establish guidelines for tournaments and championships.
  • To establish guidelines on gradings and rankings of players in Europe.
  • To ensure that a European Championship is organised each year.
  • To represent the interests of European Go both inside and outside of Europe.
  • To take such other action as may be expedient to further the main purpose of the EGF.


The EGF is a democratic organisation which is governed by an elected executive. The executive consists of 1 President, up to 3 Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and Executive Officers. These are all elected at the AGM which takes place during the European Go Congress.

As of March 2024 it has 4 [ext] commissions

  • Appeals Commission
  • Tournament and Rules Commission
  • Ratings system Commission
  • Professional Commission

The European Professional System was created in 2014, see also CEGO grand prix

A list of member federations can be found on the EGF website [ext] here

European Rating

The Europe-wide rating list of all players appearing in European tournaments is available at the European Go Database.


In January 2003, the EGF collated European go-related news into the electronic Go European News newsletter. But this no longer exists.

See also:

European Go Federation last edited by RolandIllig on May 22, 2024 - 17:34
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