Liu Zhi Yuan

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Liu Zhi Yuan, also known as Andy Liu or bigbadwolf (on KGS) (born 5 May 1991) is one of the first two AGA professionals, qualifying in the 2012 professional tournament. He learned to play Go at age 8 in the Queens Go Club of New York from Chendao Lin and Jinjay Tao ([ext] source).

While an amateur, he won the US Open, the Ing Masters, and was the youngest player to represent the US in the World Amateur Go Championship.

2015-2016 - Won four games in the preliminaries of the Sankei Pro-Ama, then one round in the main tournament, before losing to Murakawa Daisuke.
2012 - Qualified as an AGA professional.
2009 - Defeated Yilun Yang, Feng Yun and Jiang Mingjiu in the North American Ing Masters Tournament to win the tournament with a record of 5-0.
2007 - Placed 8th in the WAGC.
2006 - Defeated Jiang Mingjiu and Jie Li to win the US Open with a score of 6-0.

AGAGD [ext] entry

Liu Zhi Yuan last edited by tapir on November 16, 2019 - 15:05
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