US Open

    Keywords: Tournament

The US Open is a tournament played at the annual US Go Congress. Being an "Open" tournament, it is open to both amateurs and professional players alike. The tournament is a six-round, Swiss-McMahon Tournament, one round per day (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). The player with the highest score will be declared the new US Open Champion. AGA rules apply, 7.5 komi. Players up to 3 Dan in strength receive 90 minutes of initial playing time, with 5 30-sec overtime periods. 4 Dans and stronger receive 120 min initial time, and 5 30-sec overtime periods.

The US Open is the largest tournament in the United States, typically drawing over 300 competitors.

Tournament Champions

2022-23: Tony Yang
2021:    "Kbs8438" (online)
2020:    Xinyu Tu
2019:    Nyu Eiko
2018:    Tim Song
2017:    Wu Hao
2016:    Bao Yun
2015:    Tong Yulin
2014:    Mark Lee
2013:    Yuhan Zhang
2012:    Zi Yang Hu
2011:    Yongfei Ge
2008-10: Kim Myungwan
2007:    Yongfei Ge
2006:    Andy Liu
2005:    Lin Xuefen
2003-04: Jie Li
2002:    Jung Hoon Lee
2001:    Yongfei Ge
2000:    Ted Ning
1999:    Danning Jiang
1998:    Jie Li
1997:    Thomas Hsiang
1995-96: Danning Jiang
1994:    Keun-Young Lee
1993:    John Lee
1992:    Woo Jin Kim
1991:    Si Yeon Li
1990:    Jung Ho Lim
1989:    Paul Hu
1988:    Hong Soo Shin
1987:    Chuang Zhuan Yu
1986:    Ji Young Yoo
1985:    Ho Suk Yi (AGA site) or Thomas Hsiang (Wikipedia)
1984:    Sang Mo Suh
1983:    Guk Suk Han
1982:    Zhong Tai Yan
1981:    Charles Huh
1979-80: Kyung Kim
1978:    Shin Kang
1976-77: Kyung Kim
1970-75: Takao Matsuda
1969:    Young Kwon
1968:    Takao Matsuda
1967:    "Matsumoto"
1962-66: Takao Matsuda
1960-61: "CS Shen"
1959:    Takao Matsuda (assigned)

Further records are [ext] available.

See also [ext] Wikipedia.

US Open last edited by bugcat on March 23, 2024 - 00:10
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