3-4 Point 4-4 Attachment

  Difficulty: Advanced   Keywords: Opening, Joseki

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The 3-4 Point 4-4 Attachment is a joseki surrounding the 3-4 point. Before the AI revolution, it was rarely played, mostly as a special strategy against the Chinese fuseki. The same position can occur by transposition, when W2 is the first move in an empty corner and black plays at B1 (before the AI revolution, this only happened if white ignored a ko threat at B1; more recently, B1 is being played as a legitimate approach move in its own right).

More recently, this pattern appears in a lot of pro games even when the Chinese fuseki is not played. It's hard to talk of established joseki yet, since black can reply at any of a through d, and each of these has multiple possible variations.

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4-4 Attachment  

For followups, see 4-4 point inside contact.

See Also

3-4 Point 4-4 Attachment last edited by xela on June 3, 2024 - 10:59
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