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Effectiveness of AotW [#1927]

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ArnoHollosi: Effectiveness of AotW (2009-08-02 11:38) [#6282]

There have been some questions about how effective AotW is, i.e. does AotW create additional attention and drive visitors to the featured page? So I looked into the log files and analysed 28 AotW pages over a period of 44 weeks.

The short answer: the average increase in hits is about 600% (median: about 460%.)

Here is a more detailed table. "Weekly hits" means average hits per week (sample size: 44 weeks,) "AotW hits" means number of hits while page is featured as AotW.

Page Start date Weekly hits AotW hits Increase
komi 2009-01-05 122 243 99%
ladder 2009-01-12 154 412 167%
Yi Ch'ang-ho 2009-01-19 102 462 352%
corner shapes 2009-01-26 103 587 468%
shortage of liberties 2009-02-02 41 226 447%
33 point invasion 2009-02-09 121 610 405%
two stone edge squeeze 2009-02-16 42 342 718%
in a korean baduk school 2009-02-23 43 307 622%
haeng-ma tutorial for beginners 2009-03-02 96 692 622%
Go Seigen 2009-03-09 127 557 340%
basic instinct 2009-03-16 181 884 389%
beginner study section 2009-03-23 582 872 50%
b2 bomber 2009-03-30 103 645 525%
McMahon pairing 2009-04-13 65 239 265%
Joanne Missingham 2009-04-20 53 546 940%
old mottos 2009-04-27 73 319 337%
whole board thinking in joseki 2009-05-04 33 407 1141%
rank world wide comparison / data collection 2009-05-11 62 348 459%
beginner exercises 2009-05-18 269 811 202%
nose tesuji 2009-05-25 25 365 1390%
Rui Naiwei 2009-06-01 70 276 297%
find position page 2009-06-08 36 364 914%
secret art of war 2009-06-15 66 441 569%
tanuki no hara tsuzumi 2009-06-22 25 373 1416%
basic strategies list 2009-06-29 29 326 1013%
double cross cut to connect 2009-07-06 17 260 1448%
Yi Se-tol 2009-07-13 76 377 395%
Benjamin Teuber / guide to become strong 2009-07-20 124 921 642%

Obviously, pages that are not so popular have the highest increase (usually from some 20-30 hits to about 350 hits during AotW.) But even popular pages (120+ hits per week) see an increase of about 250%.

During the AotW week, the effect gets less, as one would expect:

Day of week Avg. increase Median increase
Monday 636% 447%
Tuesday 768% 593%
Wednesday 727% 539%
Thursday 578% 493%
Friday 534% 426%
Saturday 464% 361%
Sunday 455% 368%

I hope these numbers are useful. Please note, that there may be some inaccuracies, as only "clean" hits were counted (e.g. not coming from a path, diff, ...) and the AotW week goes from Mon 0:00 - Sun 23:59, while AotW really are posted/removed sometime during the day.

HermanHiddema: Re: Effectiveness of AotW (2009-08-03 18:51) [#6288]

Wow, that's great! :-D

tapir: Re: Effectiveness of AotW (2009-08-03 23:29) [#6289]

Yeah, that's great! How many hits has the front page on average btw.?

ArnoHollosi: FrontPage hits (2009-08-04 10:03) [#6290]

FrontPage has about 7500 hits/week. So on average about 1 out of 15 visitors clicks on the AotW link.

Note that these are just rough estimates, as it does not take into account search engines, people visiting the page twice or more often, etc.

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