Below is the widest path (found by following the most popular response to the most popular move, etc.) for the first half of the 1970's as they are represented in GoGoDCD. -- Dave Sigaty
For White 14 the alternatives a, b, and c were all played. The right side position is known as 3-4 point high approach, inside contact, hanging connection.
The widest path according to MasterGo:
Total: 416 games, Black wins 53%.
: 206 games, Black wins 53%. The only other common move is the hoshi at a, 177 games.
: 64 games, Black wins 41%(!). Most common alternative is b (49 games).
: 22 games, Black wins 32%. c and d both occur 18 times.
: 7 games, Black wins 43%.
: 8 games, Black wins 38%. It may seem strange that the number here increases. Reason is that MasterGo looks at all games in which this position occurs, irrespective of the order in which they appeared on the board.
: 8 games, Black wins 38%.
: 7 games, Black wins 43%. MasterGo also finds no variation till 13.
White 14: 5 games, Black wins 40%. b and c were both played once.
Black 15: 4 games, Black wins 50%.
White 16 to Black 19: 2 games, Black wins 50%.
At White 20 there finally is no widest path left. d was played by Cho Chikun against Otake Hideo, e by Go Seigen against Takagawa Kaku.
See enclosure opening for more.