Widest Path / Year 2001

Sub-page of WidestPath

Here is the widest path for the year 2001, according to MasterGo. The widest path consists of the most common starting move, the most common reaction to that move, etcetera. - Andre Engels

widest path 2001, moves 1-10  
  • Total games: 509, black wins 53%
  • Black 1: 363 games, black wins 55%. Komoku (a, 140 times) is the only other common starting move.
  • White 2: 189 games, black wins 58%. 4 (95 games) and b (74 games) are the alternatives.
  • Black 3: 87 games, black wins 54%. The other komoku at c is a close runner-up with 77 games.
  • White 4: 65 games, black wins 52%. This is out of a database of 91 rather than 87 games, because the position is in 4 games reached with black 1 and black 3 switched in order, and those are also checked by MasterGo.
  • Black 5: 50 games (out of 102), black wins 48%.
  • White 6: 29 games, black wins 52%.
  • Black 7 (Kobayashi formation): 16 games, black wins 50%.
  • White 8: 11 games, black wins 45%.
  • Black 9: 8 games, black wins 50%. c is the only alternative.
  • White 10: 7 games, black wins 43%.
widest path 2001  
  • Black 11: 6 games, black wins 50%.
  • White 12: 5 games, black wins 40%. No variation upto black 15.
  • White 16: 3 games, black wins 67%.
  • Black 17: 2 games, black wins 50%.

The widest path ends with white 18. Next, Cho Hun-hyeon played a against Yi Se-tol for the Wangwi title, while Wang Lei Sr. palyed b against Yi Sang-hun for the Samsung Cup.

Janvan Rongen : I have 1386 games for 2001, not 509. For the position after white 4 I have 230 games in my database, not 65. So what is the relevance of this widest path? Well, interestingly, the widest path is the same up till move 16 in the second diagram where in my database white plays 17 more frequently:-)

Widest Path / Year 2001 last edited by Blake on July 28, 2003 - 10:16
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