Tiandi Jian
Tiandi Jian (天地間, meaning: World Room) is a Go Salon in Beijing, China. It includes a book & equipment shop called Ben Shou Qi Dao (本手棋道, meaning: Proper Move Playing Style).
Pictures of the entrance, interior and shop can be found at: http://herminator.imgur.com/tiandi_jian_go_club
Getting there
Address: Zhushikou east road building 5 (珠市口东大街 5 号 zhūshìkǒu dōng dà jiē 5 hào), door number 10 (North side of the street), see it on Google Maps. The go club is easy to find, it has a large sign above the door, which also has "Tiandi Jian go club" on it in English.
From the line 5 subway station CiQiKou, walk west along the north side of Zhushikou road to number 5-10. From the circle line 2 station ChongWenMen, walk south until you reach Zhushikou road, then turn left (east) and it will be on your left after about 50 meters.
Opening times & Pricing
Open from 09:00-22:00. You pay an entry fee, then an hourly fee (rounded to nearest half hour). On weekdays you pay 10 Yuan plus 5 Yuan per hour. In weekends you pay 20 Yuan plus 10 Yuan per hour. For regular visitors, bulk discounts and membership options are available. See this picture for a complete price list (in Chinese)
Old info
Some of this info is outdated, now that the club has moved (in November of 2010), but stuff like telephone numbers may still be accurate.
010-670.78.169 (manager Zhang speaks English)
Excellent interior & material, it gives you a nice feeling, you could even bring a non-Go-player bring along and s/he would feel ok; many books and magazines around
accommodates a book & equipment shop
internet address:http://www.dianping.com/shop/2413552
address can also be found in 1st inside page of Weiqi Tiandi due to heavy advertisement.
picture |
http://kaoshi.gmw.cn/01gmrb/2006-06/05/content_427811.htm] which doesn't show how nice the room is!
http://sports.sina.com.cn/go/p/2008-05-17/22163668285.shtml (Hua Xueming , 7d playing)
- 天 地 間 (tiān dì jiàn
- 珠 市 口 东 大 街 5 号 (zhūshìkǒu dōng dà jiē 5 hào)
- No. 5, guan ming ribao dalou ximen er ceng
(west entry of the (big, long) building no. 5; door no. 23 (both together reads 5-23); 2nd floor)
- 010-670.78.169
- 天地间围棋会所
- 地址: 崇文区珠市口东大街5号光明日报西门2楼(近祈年大街)
- 电话: 010-67078169 67078182
Subway (avoids heavy traffic jam = 'du che')
- Chong wen men (zhan; blue circle line), then 5 minutes walk southwards ,
- station Ciqikou, northwest exit, then 5 minutes walk westwards on the northern side of the street