Waltheri's go pattern search

    Keywords: Online Go

[ext] Waltheri’s go pattern search is an online game database for searching professional (including AlphaGo) games for go patterns and positions. Its source code is available on GitHub.

Its databass contains about 80,000 games.

There are 3 modes for selecting positions.

  • Fuseki - full board search, browsing through game positions by frequency.
  • Joseki - searching the area around a position set up by the user
  • Manual - both the position and the search area are set up by the user

Games can also be searched for by player(s) and date.

The application is written in HTML5 and javascript on shoulders of WGo library?.

The site is owned, maintained and copyrighted by Jan Prokop?.

Waltheri's go pattern search last edited by hnishy on July 11, 2024 - 03:31
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