Hiroshima Arumi Cup

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(広島アルミ杯若鯉戦) Japanese knockout tournament for young players (aged 30 or lower). The first five editions were not "official"; wins didn't count toward rank promotions. Sixteen players compete. Time control is 30 seconds/move plus 10 x 1 minute (NHK Cup system).

It's also called the Hiroshima Aluminum Cup, a more Western form of the title of its namesake sponsor, Hiroshima Aluminum Industry Co.

Winners and Runners-up

Ed. Year Winner Runner Up
1st 2006 Xie Yimin 3p Anzai Nobuaki 3p
2nd 2007 Shida Tatsuya 1p Xie Yimin 3p
3rd 2008 Mitani Tetsuya 5p Anzai Nobuaki] 5p
4th 2009 Uchida Shuhei 3p Yamamori Tadanao 5p
5th 2010 Terayama Rei 2p Yamamoto Kentaro 5p
6th 2011 Uchida Shuhei 7p Shida Tatsuya 4p
7th 2012 Suzuki Shinji 3p Ichiriki Ryo 3p
8th 2013 Ichiriki Ryo 3p Fujita Akihiko 3p
9th 2014 Motoki Katsuya Mutsuura Yuta
10th 2015 Terayama Rei Shida Tatsuya
11th 2016 Ichiriki Ryo Motoki Katsuya
12th 2017 Ri Ishu Yo Chito
13th 2018 Fujita Akihiko Koike Yoshihiro
14th 2019 Hirata Tomoya Mutsuura Yuta
15th 2020 Fujisawa Rina Son Makoto
16th 2021 Ueno Asami Nishi Takenobu
17th 2024 Ueno Asami Koike Yoshihiro
18th 2023 Hirose Yuichi Koike Yoshihiro
19th 2024

See the [ext] Go To Everyone! section for crosstables.

John F. The GoGoD database calls this the Young Carp Tournament, and in so doing follows usual Japanese practice. In text the usual reference is to wakagoi (and in abbreviations to waka). This is enough for Japanese people to associate it with Hiroshima, because the local baseball team is Hiroshima Carp. A minor problem with Hiroshima Aluminum is that this is American - English people (like some Americans) say Aluminium, which is also how the Japanese name is pronounced (although, admittedly, the company does use the American spelling). The more general point is that quite a lot of tournaments keep their tournament name but change the name of the cup according to the current sponsor. This is rarely an issue in Japan (though it did happen with the Meijin - the Asahi and Yomiuri swapping as sponsor) but is common in Korea, and to some extent in China. In other words, using just the tournament name as opposed to the prize/sponsor offers some hope of continuity.

Hiroshima Arumi Cup last edited by Jono64a on June 14, 2024 - 21:44
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