
  Difficulty: Introductory   Keywords: Go term

Chinese: 目 (mu4)
Japanese: 目 or 子(moku)
Korean: -

  1. 目 (moku), a Japanese go term, means “point of territory”,[1] as in “Black wins by one point” (黒の一目勝ちです)
  2. It is also used in compounds for certain points on the board, such as komoku, takamoku, and mokuhazushi. In these cases, moku refers to the star point in the corner.
  3. It also refers to a handicap stone. For example, Nanmoku? (何子?) can mean How many stones handicap?. A different kanji, 子, is used to distinguish this from the other senses in writings. Also, seimoku (in this case 星目 for historical reasons[2]) refers to a 9-stone handicap.

See Also:

[1] Robert Pauli: Can't believe that points made by prisoners are excluded.

P.J.T.: I see that on May 24, 2005 Bill Spight replaced “point” by “point of territory”; I supposed that it probably meant “a point in whatever scoring system is being used”, even if Japanese would usually be using territory scoring, but I now see it said under Zi (子) that that term refers to Chinese and moku to Japanese scoring. Given that, it should perhaps read “a point in territory scoring”. It would be good to have an authoritative answer (and scrap this footnote).

[2] In older days, 子 and 目 were not strictly distinguished.

Moku last edited by hnishy on March 14, 2023 - 02:23
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