Leela Zero's opening gospel
Path: <= General Opening Principles
Keywords: Opening
This is a rendition of Uberdude's post on L19, describing Leela Zero's preferred order of opening moves:
The gospel seems to be very similar for other engines such as KataGo
As a video.
(1st) Urgent local situations
- (1) If your 3-4 is being pressed, answer.
- (2) If your 4-4 is 3-3 invaded, answer.
- (3) If your 4-4 is double approached, attach out.
(2nd) Big moves
- (1) Play in empty corner (4-4) or 3-4).
- (2a) Approach (low) a 3-4.
- (2b) enclose (big high) a 3-4
- (3a) Press if they ignored your approach to 3-4.
- (3b) Answer the approach to 3-4.
- (4) Approach or 3-3 invade a 4-4.
- (5a) Double approach a 4-4.
- (5b) Answer an approach to a 4-4.
- (6) Enclose from 4-4.
First: urgent local situations
1. If your 3-4 is being pressed, answer
Path: <= General Opening Principles