Kiseong 12 Game 1
Black: Yi Ch'ang-ho
White: Yu Ch'ang-hyeok
Date: January 5th, 2001
Komi: 6.5
Result: B+1.5
Analysis by SL.
HolIgor: I am going to introduce the game slowly. I would like everybody to comment and correct my mistakes.
- Early fuseki
- Fuseki continued
- Invasion
- Ordering
- Left Side
- Top Right
- Ear Reddening Move
- Center
- Big Yose
- Big Yose Continued
- Yose
Regarding the Goals and Format
HolIgor: I had no format in mind. My vague idea was to have a pro game commented by SL. It would be nice if strong players continued to add comments, variations and questions ever after. This could be a continuous project. And some weaker players could learn something from the game. I chose a random game. It is not a fighting game, rather calm with very short middle game and very long yose.
Dave: I think that it is worth trying to do an analysis. Like others who have mentioned it here and there in SL, I have been feeling unsatisfied with the lack of depth of analysis achieved to date in SL. I think it is extremely hard to do across broad fronts such as all the joseki or fuseki pages. In addition, much analysis has to be tied to specific situations by the nature of the game. On the format:
- I think this will have to be broken up almost immediately into subpages. The breaks should be based on the game content rather than the 10 move limit in a diagram. For example, I think the first 12 moves form one natural chunk. Alternatively the first 7 might be enough to form the basis for a discussion of the mini-chinese and its goals, with 8-12 a second piece on White's counter moves, etc.
- I also do not think this makes sense in a push down model like the on-going games. Rather it should start at the beginning and proceed to the end. It is an analysis and would be better read from top to bottom IMHO. What do you think?
HolIgor: The level of the analysis depends on what kind of people contribute. There are several high dan contributers: unkx80, Dave, Bill, Charles, John, Lucky and others. Yet, we need more of those for the real depth. There are several guys in the range 3k-2d, who are the middle level here. I think I belong to this class. SL, perhaps, cannot teach much the high dans, they are kind enough to teach us. The middle range players can learn a lot. Additionally we have two more groups, single digit kyus and double digit kyus. The single digit kyus make good progress, by the way. Several of them joined the middle group recently. But, as I have mentioned earlier, we need more guys to implement my ideas. Many of the contributers have their own projects. unkx80 has a beginner problem series, for example, Charles teaches about the enclosures, I have a snapback workshop. But there could be workshops, geta workshop, for example, or a squeeze workshop. There could be a collection of known honte moves. Each of the topics requires a volontier.