American Go Journal

    Keywords: Books & Publications

The American Go Journal was published by the American Go Association beginning in 1949, making it the first English language periodical on the topic of Go. It was published bi-monthly through 1980, and then quarterly through 2003. Various indexes and archives are available at [ext]

In April 2000 the Journal was supplemented by the American Go E-Journal, delivered by e-mail with more timely news, tournament reports, and other such. Emphasis gradually shifted from the printed journal to the e-journal over the next three years, with commented games added for AGA members only. Finally Chris Garlock published the following in both the June 9th, 2003 E-Journal and the Spring 2003 print Journal:

Two years ago we began publishing the American Go E-Journal, a weekly email newsletter providing go news and tournament reports. Since then we've expanded content several times, adding reviews of go books and software, commented game records, a classified section and more comprehensive coverage of go news worldwide. The E-Journal's readership is now nearly 5,500 worldwide, while the Journal goes to the 1,400 full members of the AGA. In short, we now have an expensive and infrequent publication with a small readership and an inexpensive and frequent publication with a large (and rapidly growing) readership. The Journal editors propose merging the strengths of both publications by shifting financial resources into dramatically enhanced content for the E-Journal and cutting the costs of the print Journal by reducing the publication frequency to once a year.

Shortly after this, publication of the American Go Journal ceased. Instead a printed Yearbook was distributed at the end of each year, plus a CD containing an archive of all E-Journal content for the year.

See also: Go Magazine

American Go Journal last edited by RiffRaff on November 19, 2005 - 00:18
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