Honinbo Dochi

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Honinbo Dochi (本因坊道知 Hon'inbō Dōchi, 1690–1727) was the fifth head of the Honinbo house.

Meijin Dochi was born in Edo (now known as Tokyo) in 1690 and learned to play Go at 7. Two years later he became a pupil of Honinbo Dosaku, Meijin. After the death of his master and teacher in 1702, he was kept under guardianship of Inseki 8-dan(later Meijin), 4th master of Inouye School.

It was a pity for the young boy that he had to follow his guardian’s intention perfectly; sometimes he was obliged to be beaten in the pre-arranged games. Probably he was instructed by his senior master to do so. It was a bad time for Go. In 1719 he became 8-dan, becoming Meijin Godokoro in 1721.

Source: Go Monthly Review, Nov. 1969, p.21

For an example of his endgame play, see Dochi yose tesuji.

Honinbo Dochi last edited by Jono64a on July 18, 2024 - 19:40
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