Joseki-related life-and-death example 4
Black should under almost no circumstances ignore the double kakari and let White play . But how does Black continue if he decides that he has to play this line after all?
xela: This position is rare in pro play, but not unknown. I have 83 hits in my database at the moment (early 2024), most of them since 2000...
xela: This appears in a few books as "the" way to live, but it's actually one of black's worst options! The living group is rather small. Even before AI, you see pro games where black plays at a or b to get a bigger corner.
Black plays the kikashi of and before living in the corner, in accordance with the proverb.
--Tasky (3d) I would absolutely not call this exchanges kikashi. Those exchanges are actually pretty bad for Black, since White gets very solid outside. Black plays and only because she has to make life; she would never play those exchanges of her own free will.
hnishy: Kikashi can be from inside or outside. The proverb "Play Kikashi Before Defending" refers to kikashi from outside only. So the term is right, the reference to the proverb here is wrong.
The hane at is absolutely necessary for living. Without it the black group dies.
A very extensive analysis of the life-and-death can be found at J-groups.
guess: With the extra liberty at , black doesn't fear a white placement at so he can extend down the side instead.