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Snapback and other pages with chinese language [#13842]

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fool: Snapback and other pages with chinese language (2023-04-18 02:44) [#12244]

bugcat: should Chinese be embedded in English articles?

kmr?: why not?Though main lang of SL is english, adding chinese things make SL better

Sure, but maybe on its own page?

SL has entire articles in Korean, but does it have articles with mixed english and korean?

Also, on the Snapback page, on the left side there is a french flag and a link. How does that work.

Malcolm: Re: Snapback and other pages with chinese language (2023-04-18 10:05) [#12246]

I think we shouldn't have it embedded in the English page. Chinese and other languages should go in a separate page ideally - or at least in a separate section.

Having said that, I found this particular remark interesting, it says the sacrifice stone in atari in a snapback is always inside a tiger's mouth, I hadn't realised that before. Re: Snapback and other pages with chinese language (2023-04-18 14:46) [#12247]

Having said that, I found this particular remark interesting, it says the sacrifice stone in atari in a snapback is always inside a tiger's mouth, I hadn't realised that before.

To expand a little further, the sacrifice stone of a snapback is a throw-in, which is a stone in a tiger's mouth. Notice that the Chinese term for throw-in is 扑 whereas the Chinese term for snapback is 倒扑, which indicates some relationship between the two.

Dieter: language (2023-04-18 08:57) [#12245]

You can use the Language Template to add a page in another language. See How templates work.

Malcolm: tidy up the Chinese content recently added to several pages (2023-04-24 09:59) [#12250]

Here is a list of pages to look into - recent edits by Zaghyang?. It would be nice if the Chinese content were either moved to a subpage, eg Snapback/Chinese?, or to separate sections in the pages.

I may do this myself at some point in the future - but I won't do it over the next few days. So if anyone else wants to do it, feel free.

hnishy: Re: tidy up the Chinese content recently added to several pages (2024-08-17 08:22) [#12482]

I have translated (or deleted) all these Chinese lines. Issue closed.

xela: ((no subject)) (2023-04-24 13:50) [#12251]

Personally I have no problem with the pages being bilingual. It's a little unusual, but why shouldn't SL innovate? The amount of Chinese text (so far) isn't enough to justify an entirely separate page. And we want to encourage people to contribute. But I agree the pages look a bit odd in their current state. Perhaps a separate section would be good?

Malcolm: Re: ((no subject)) (2023-04-24 18:16) [#12252]

I agree with you xela. For these pages, where we just have a few sentences in Chinese, a separate section may well be the best option.

fool: Re: ((no subject)) (2023-05-03 03:06) [#12255]

Sure. Maybe near the top put (in chinese): see below for chinese. Something like that?

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