Play urgent moves before big moves

    Keywords: Strategy, Proverb

Play urgent moves before big moves (Kyuba before Oba)

By this, it is meant that you must play those moves which are required before you can play those you want to play.

Moves which are required are typically moves which stabilize? your group. Moves which you want to play are typically moves which develop your position into a framework.

The point of this proverb is that some moves, namely those on urgent points, are larger than they may look at first glance. Since people generally have little trouble going for the jugular when they are on the attack, in practice this proverb mainly applies to making good shape.

An extension to the proverb is to play the urgent points in your own positions before attacking those in the opponent's positions.


  • James Kerwin define an urgent move as something like a move that prevents one of your previous moves from becoming meaningless.
  • 'Imagine you are standing in front of a huge banquet which is all free, but you are desperate to go to the toilet..' Eating the food would be big, but the toilet is urgent.
  • Don't go fishing while your house is on fire.
  • Jiujitsu: position before submission.

Play urgent moves before big moves last edited by on April 15, 2023 - 04:40
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